Douglas Williams





Initial consultation (75 minutes): $340
Therapy sessions (50 minutes): $240
Medicare rebate: $93.35 p/session


Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours), Master of Psychology (Clinical)

A little about me

I am passionate about helping people understand the impact of their past so that they can build a happier and healthier future. When we work together, we develop a shared understanding of what makes you tick. From here, we can agree on goals for what you want therapy to look like, and collaborate on how we can turn evidence-based strategies into real world change.

My experience working with people facing addictions, navigating trauma in the workplace, and adjusting to illness and disease has taught me that if I can help someone understand why they’re struggling, I can help them understand how to move forward. Because I truly believe that success comes from empowering people with the strategies and skills they need. 

My experience working in hospital, community and private practice settings has given me a particular interest in helping adults of all ages tolerate intense emotions, maintain healthy relationships, and build a life that aligns with their values.

After completing my undergraduate training at the University of Sydney, I moved to Coffs Harbour to complete my Honours degree at Southern Cross University, and returned to Sydney for my Masters degree at Australian Catholic University. I have also completed research work with The University of Sydney and The Black Dog Institute.

My areas of interest are

I work with

  • Young adults
  • Adults
  • Older adults

I use

A bit more about me
What has working in and studying psychology taught you?
If a behaviour doesn’t seem to make sense, that just means there’s part of it that you can’t see yet.

What is your self-care ritual?
A quick swim, a bit of chocolate, and a good night’s sleep.

A fun fact about me
I worked on the film set for Mad Max: Fury road. They had full life-size models of all the vehicles and they were amazing!

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