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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a scheme for those with a disability including a psychosocial disability. A psychosocial disability can be severe, longstanding and significantly impact your life, and arises from a mental health condition. Our experienced psychologists tailor therapies to address your NDIS treatment goals. 

What does the NDIS actually do?

Launched in 2013, the NDIS aims to provide person-centred, individualised assistance to people with permanent and significant disabilities. The scheme seeks to grant them the opportunity to lead more independent, fulfilling lives by offering financial support and tailored services that cater to their specific needs.

Under the NDIS, participants get a personalised plan that covers the necessary support and services required to achieve their goals. This plan is developed with the participant, their families, and other relevant professionals. Funding is provided to access a wide range of services, including therapy, assistive technology, personal care, and community participation programs. 

The NDIS not only focuses on addressing immediate needs but also on fostering long-term empowerment and inclusion. As a result, it represents a substantial shift from the traditional welfare model to a more proactive, individual-centred approach. At the end of the day, the NDIS works to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities across Australia.

Want to book a session at Mind Matters?
Make an appointment here or contact our friendly team today at (02) 8080 9601.

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